Monday, May 2, 2011

What An Interesting Week 5/2/11

President Barack Obama is having just as good a week as I am…

I was still recovering from Royal Wedding hangover when I heard the news…It took ten years, cost billions of dollars and thousands of US lives, I guess the question is whether or not the death of Osama Bin Laden was worth it. The overwhelming consensus seems to be “yes.” And I have to agree. At this point, ten years after the attacks of 9/11, Bin Laden was reduced to a figure head, a symbol of anti-US sentiment. No longer an actual leader, but a powerful symbol none the less. His death with further splinter a group that has no real charismatic leader to replace him. In the Van Halen of terrorists groups, only Sammy Hagars and Gary Cherones remain.
Of course US actions in Afghanistan greatly weakened Al-Qaeda’s ability to recruit suicide bombers and other terrorists, but the greatest blow to recruitment has come from the Muslim world itself. With a population of over 60% under 30 years old, these Muslims have grown up at a time where access to information is so readily available they know better than to believe that whole “72 Virgins” bullshit. And whether it’s Iran, Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt or Libya, young Muslims will no longer support being lied to, and have taken real action to be free. These actions have nothing to do with supporting the United States, and everything to do with wanting a better life. And in the end, a man hiding not in a cave, but in a million dollar mansion, and (allegedly) using his own wife as a human shield to avoid US bullets is hardly a revolutionary symbol anyone would admire.
As for the operation itself I will only say that the best thing the US did was not share the information with our “allies” in Pakistan, as he was living in their backyard. That propaganda fed to the ignorant that “Allah was protecting Bin Laden” was not God but sympathetic Pakistani intelligence officials who I can only hope are also brought to justice. I just hope the Halal guys on the corner of 73rd and Broadway don’t shut down!
Some have asked whether or not this guarantees Obama’s re-election next year to which I replied, in the words of Harvey Keitel in “Pulp Fiction”…"Ahh, let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks just yet." Never underestimate the power of stupidity. But I will say that the birth certificate issue being slammed shut and now this, things are looking good. All Obama needs for his approval rating to go as high as Bill Clinton’s in 1999 is to get an intern to blow him.

And finally, some advice for the US State Department

The next time you brief the retarded President on September 9th, 2001 that a potential US ally was murdered in Afghanistan and he ignores you, it’s OK to remind him that he is a retard and go on high alert despite his indifference.
Outside of my parents, I have very few people I admire, try to emulate, or even give two shits about. Other than wishing that I was reincarnated as Snoop Dogg, I also have no real passion for celebrities or World figures. This is due to the fact that one of my heroes, Professor John Louis Cooper always told me “Don’t look for heroes.” The greatest freedom fighter Afghanistan had ever seen was a man who I would have gladly fought for named Ahmad Shah Massoud. He kicked the shit out of the Russians when they were in Afghanistan and was known not only as the “Lion of Panjshir” but a Nobel Peace Prize nominee in 2002, and more importantly to us, as “The Afghan who ended the Cold War.” His Northern Alliance was driven into the mountains after the Taliban took over and he flatly rejected their doctrines.
He was our strongest political ally should we have ever had to go into Afghanistan, and no one knew this better than Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, which is why he was killed in a suicide bomb attack, two days before the World Trade Center attacks. The enemy knew that without Massoud, there would be no one in country to help the Allies once they retaliated. When you are supposedly monitoring those responsible for the USS Cole and the Embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya, and your biggest local ally is killed, shouldn’t you have at least lifted your ten gallon hat-sized head out of your Texas BBQ pit and done some investigating? Let’s hope we learned something from this.

I’m glad there are some celebrations, it’s not like we couldn’t use something to celebrate given how divided we have become in this country. Kinda like how the British were united celebrating the Royal Wedding, except our celebration came with automatic weapons and a dead asshole!     



  2. Jesse Bueno LoveraMay 3, 2011 at 7:07 AM true Gino! No need to post an entry there this week!
