Tuesday, June 16, 2015

No, It Is Not The Same Thing


So I was watching CNN and they were giving serious air time to that nit-wit Rachel Dolezal, who just resigned as head of her local chapter of the NAACP because her parents outed her as being…white. Seriously a white chick who curled her hair became the head of an NAACP chapter. So this Doctor was on, saying that it is acceptable for Rachel Dolezal to “self-identify” as a black woman, much like Bruce Jenner (now Caitlyn) can self-identify as a woman. To which I respond, “Are you seriously fucking insane?”

This woman is a Doctor, her position on this issue is incredibly irresponsible, that is why I got so pissed I actually got out of bed to write this rant.

If you saw that incredibly disturbing Diane Sawyer interview, Caitlyn Jenner has been a girl inside her entire life. Now I am no doctor, but I can only assume that is not based on any outside influence, but how she felt inside. How she felt inside her entire life. Now, like or not Caitlyn, you were born with a dick, and that is something you cannot reason away with therapy or political correctness.

You can certainly get mad at your dick, I know I have been incredibly mad at mine. Seriously that fucker has cost me more money, more late night subway rides at all hours of the night in shitty hoods, more waking up in strange bedrooms, and more jumping out of windows due to parents coming home early than I would ever want to admit, but it’s still my dick and I love him. If you decided to not love your dick, I guess that is your right, and if you have been thinking you are a woman this whole time, well…

You cannot however, self-identify with your race. Why? Very simply racism happens not on the inside, but on the outside. There is no fucking way a white chick from Montana knows what it is like to not get a cab, or to be rejected for a job, or have people just walk across the street in fear when they see you. You do not “internalize” that shit no matter how many hip hop records you buy, sorry. Until you know what it feels like to be treated like a second class citizen in a subtle manner, you cannot self-identify as a black anything. Do you own a home? I wonder if you put White as your race when you applied for a loan, you certainly did when you applied to college according to those records.

Did any of you see the movie “Soul Man?” Incredibly offensive by today’s standards, but it was released in 1986. In this movie a white guy tried to pass as black to get into Law School. When he was caught, he was in a professor’s office and the professor said “I guess you learned more about being black than anyone could have taught you.” You know how he responded? “I didn’t learn enough, because I always had the choice of going back to being white.” You see, THAT is why it is impossible to say that you can “self-identify” race. THAT is the difference, and THAT is what anyone thinking that what this woman did is somehow ok, will never understand.

Rachel Dolezal insults everything the NAACP stands for.  Need more convincing? OK let me make it simple for you…ask yourselves this, do you think Kalief Browder, Trayvon Martin, Eric Gardner or Eddy Grey could ever have “self-identified” as white? Maybe they would still be alive…

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