Mark Cuban is a groupie. A geek who could never actually play, but when he got rich decided to buy a team. So when Cuban calls Kenyon Martin a thug within earshot of his mom, neither one of them should take this fool seriously. I’m sure Martin’s mom could kick Cuban’s ass.
How interesting have these NBA playoffs been? I haven’t been this excited since the Jordan days. People should start recognizing that LeBron James is the greatest all around player since Magic Johnson. LeBron can’t pass like Magic (no one could) but just imagine if Magic had shot more and played above the rim…yeah I know…terrifying.

my powers of telepathy and mind control (Halle Berry…you will call me…Halle Berry…you will call me).
So the other day we were talking about my all time favorite band, The Rolling Stones and their creative output over the past 20 years. Now I wasn’t born when they had their best creative years of the late 60’s-early 70’s, and there is no way Mena was old enough to appreciate that era beyond attempting a sing-along with the radio from his crib. However, we both agree that was their best creative period, with a few good records on either side.
When a band has been around as long as the Stones and their best era so well documented, it’s easy to ignore the rest of their output. Both of us also agree that with the exception of a few

Now I would have seen the Stones in concert during the last 20 years regardless of whether or not the records were good because it was the era in which I was finally old enough to do so, and since everyone thought that the 1981-82 Tattoo You tour was going

So now it is time for the student to become the master, for the falcon to hear the falconer, for The Karate Kid to get the headband from Mr. Myagi, as now I give Mena a playlist. A playlist of Stones songs from the last 20 years that I think he will respect.
Steel Wheels 1989
Sad Sad Sad
Mixed Emotions
Almost Hear You Sigh
Voodoo Lounge 1994
Sparks Will Fly
I Go Wild
Thru and Thru
Jump On Top of Me (rare B-Side)
Bridges To Babylon 1997
Flip the Switch
Already Over Me
Thief in The Night
40 Licks 2002
Don’t Stop
And just for good measure, here’s a short playlist of…
Songs on solo albums that I believe were actually written for the Stones
Mick Jagger
“Just Another Night” should have been on Undercover
“Throwaway” should have been on Emotional Rescue
“Don’t Tear Me Up” should have been on Black & Blue
Keith Richards
“Make No Mistake” should have been on either Emotional Rescue or Tattoo You
“Eileen” should have been on Some Girls
“Demon” should have been on Steel Wheels
I bow to your seemingly encyclopedic knowledge of your fave quintet. Here's my response: