Friday, May 31, 2024

So What Does It Really Mean? Not Much Just Yet


To say that Donald Trump is an unhinged sociopathic narcissist is nothing new, but what should concern us all is that even after a felony conviction, his bootlickers will not denounce him. That is because his fascist cult controls the GOP, and they are so hungry for power that they are willing to continue to support this unfit criminal even when they know how badly he can damage the country. And ultimately whose fault is this? The Democratic Party. In 2000 the clear winner of the popular vote in the presidential election, Al Gore, conceded the election to that idiot George W Bush, not because he felt he lost, but because he did not want to plunge the nation into a Constitutional crisis. This is where a light bulb went off in the GOP. They realized that if they just whine and cry hard enough, gentleman politicians who care more about the nation than their own thirst for power, will just concede. Donald Trump’s accent to power is the result of that. If this does not change, it will put the worst President in U.S. history back in power in 2024.

Donald Trump’s political career should have ended at “grab them by the pussy” in 2016, but it did not. Why? Because no one with any real political power called him out on this. Because not enough women in his own party stood up to this sexual batterer, and he became president.

Now I have tried for years to analyze how that the same nation that elected a Nobel Prize winning Constitutional scholar also elected an 84 times indicted, twice impeached, lying, ignorant, racist, fascist, misogynistic, xenophobic, unqualified, pussy grabbing, 5 time draft dodging coward, useful idiot Russian asset, convicted felon, sexual batterer, and criminal traitor with American blood on his tiny, incompetent hands, without a doubt and by far, the worst President in the history of the United States? The simple answer crystalized itself in an instant: In a country where a large portion of the population is lazy and uneducated, it is far easier to just vote for the guy who hates what you hate, and fears what you fear. This conclusion should have come to me much earlier, given the fact that this is nothing new, and history has a tendency to repeat itself (think Germany in 1933).   

So I waited until Trump’s response to his conviction in order to comment on the case, and his response was classic Trump: blaming everyone else, taking no accountability for his crimes, saying the system is rigged, blaming the judge (who was quite reserved, if you know anything about courtroom procedure) and just being the whiny bitch lying coward that he is. He then proceeded to call the United States, a “fascist” country, and that’s when I started paying attention. This was an odd statement coming from an idiot that does not even know what that word means, and stated that if re-elected, he would become a dictator on day one. Not one, NOT ONE prominent GOPer denounced this statement. Not one. This tells you all you need to know about what they stand for.

They seem to have no problem defending him however. On CNN today, JD Vance (R-Ohio) ass-kissing for a potential Vice Presidential nod on the Trump ticket, refused to address Trump’s statements and instead call out Judge Juan Merchan because he donated $15 to the Democratic party in 2020. This is not any proof whatsoever that the judge acted partially. If you look at the facts, it was quite the opposite.  If that were the case, then no judge should be allowed to vote? In fact, if you observed the judge’s reactions to Trump’s antics, he was actually more than fair. What a shithead. See? This is why I cannot do Wolf Blitzer’s job. If my parents were Holocaust survivors, and this asshole is on my show not denouncing Trump’s “fascist country” comments, I would have reacted a bit differently. I am also wondering if Vance is calling for Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito to recuse themselves from any case involving Trump, considering their well-documented biases? I guess “law and order” only applies when it agrees with you politically?  

As for the conviction itself, it should have immediately disqualified him from going anywhere near the White House, but it has not. Ironic that as per the rules, he couldn’t serve on his own staff with a felony conviction. Ultimately what did this conviction do? Nothing. Those who support him still do, and choose to blame the system and not the criminal.

Looking ahead, there are considerably more serious crimes that he is charged with, such as election tampering and voter fraud, not to mention the illegal storing of classified documents. This seems not to bother his cult at all, but it should deeply concern the rest of us. The documents case in Florida is being stalled by a Trump appointee judge, and the rest of the cases are being delayed by Trump’s attorneys. This man is a clear existential threat to democracy, and his cult doesn’t care, I just hope enough of the rest of us do. 

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