Sunday, November 8, 2020

Why Donald Trump Was Exactly What America Needed...No Really

For the past four years, a lot of people had asked me why I didn’t blog so much anymore, and my only response was that I started the blog to express my opinions, write some jokes and make people think. But those who thought, mostly shared my views already, and, in the alternative, how can you make members of a death cult think? 

But let’s get to it, Donald Trump was great because he took a dormant, silent, yet very present, very ugly side of the United States of America and brought it to light. Over 70 million Americans still voted for him in the 2020 election. He also exposed the racist cowards and appeasers that are present in the highest places in the United States government even today, and we owe him a debt of gratitude for that. He did more in 4 years to expose the worst of our country than any investigative journalist could have in their whole lifetime. One Donald Trump, was worth about ten Woodward and Bernsteins.

Seriously did you know who the fuck Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham or Susan Collins even were before Donald Trump owned them? And didn’t it fascinate you to want to know why this was even possible? Until now, did you even give a fuck this much about the not one, but TWO run off elections that will be taking place in Georgia for US Senator?

As for President Elect Joe Biden, he has already hinted that he will be issuing a large amount of executive orders, and he has a lot of work to do to undo the damage that Donald Trump has done not only to the nation internally, but to our status around the world.

But Mr. President-elect, as celebrations erupt in the streets for your win, have to ask you to add one more job to your already busy schedule, and I know it is a lot to ask, but I assure you that it is necessary...

70 million people voted for Donald Trump…in 2020. I would seriously reach out to those people and ask them why. Not insult or belittle them (which, is actually kinda easy to do) but ask them what was it about this man that made you vote for him…in 2020. I understand you didn’t know him in 2016 and he was not a traditional politician, but you knew him this time, and you saw the state in which his disastrous presidency left this nation. You saw over 20,000 false and misleading claims, an ignored pandemic which has killed over 200,000 Americans in less than a year, with record cases every day as we speak. You saw inherited economic growth, and like everything else Trump inherited, record losses soon after. The highest unemployment rate in history along with $27 trillion in national debt. 36% more than what he inherited, and another historical record. This occurred in only 4 years.

You saw an incredibly stupid man continue to hold events that infected his own staff with COVID-19, then eventually himself. He was advised by science that he should wear a mask, but refused because he said it would make him “look weak.” Sir that ship sailed a long time ago. You looked weak when you mocked a disabled reporter. You looked weak when you got 5 deferments to dodge the Vietnam War. You looked weak when you stoked the fires of hatred in Charlottesville, and finally, and this is personal to me for a few reasons, you looked weak when Iran bombed our barracks, soldiers suffered head trauma, and you did nothing. So much for “loving the troops.”  

All this without addressing the elephant in the room; the fact that Donald Trump is a lying, impeached, ignorant, racist, fascist, misogynistic, xenophobic, unqualified, pussy grabbing, five time draft dodging coward, useful idiot Russian asset and criminal traitor with American blood on his tiny incompetent hands (sorry, just needed one more for the road).

Mr. Biden, please reach out to these people and get to know why they think the way they do. The election is over, but these people are still out there. Yes there will be some you cannot reach, who are so deeply rooted in their own hatred and ignorance that they will ignore your gestures towards them, but there have to be some willing to speak to you. And if I may further suggest, do not try to necessarily change their views or point out how wrong and misguided they are, just tell them that there is nothing to be afraid of. And that truth, fact and science are necessary for our survival and progress, and that we want them there.

No easy task, Mr. President-elect, but I believe in you and wish you well

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