Thursday, December 9, 2010

Change We Can Believe In...Or Negotiate Our Way Out Of 12/9/10

“Your blog reminds me of John Stewart; whose humor is funny enough to ignore his political views.” – John L.

This comes from someone I’ve known for decades, so I am taking it as a compliment.


A few weeks ago President Barack Obama was conducting a town hall meeting when a woman approached the microphone and said “I’m tired of defending your administration.” Whimp! I thought. But this week, and on Pearl Harbor day, no less, word came down that a compromise had been reached that would extend the Bush era tax breaks another two years. I suddenly began to understand that woman’s anger. There is no reason why anyone making over $2.5 million a year needs a tax break, but I certainly could use one. I have so many problems with this, the first one being that he campaigned on this issue, and it really is something he should have fought for not for political gain, but because this country really needs it right now. And once again, he just didn’t sell it. Why not hammer home “tax breaks for the rich” or “millionaire bailout” the same way Republicans shoved the term “death panels” down the throat of the ignorant during the health care debate? Because when Republicans used broad terms it failed? Well did it ever occur to Democratic strategists that it failed because it was a lie, and that in this case, these tax breaks for “all Americans” do indeed include those who make millions a year and probably wouldn’t even notice it anyway?
From a purely political standpoint, this deal does make perfect sense. I know, I know, even his own party is leaning towards voting against him, but bear with me. It’s reminiscent of Bill (man was he cool) Clinton in 1994 after his party took a beating in the mid-term elections. If this “Clinton-esque” gamble should pay off, these tax cuts will expire at the beginning of his second term, when he can basically do whatever he wants. The gamble part being that he has to get elected to a second term, and I don’t know how that is going to happen. See, the difference between Obama and Clinton is that Republicans acknowledged when Clinton went “middle of the road” and gave in to Republican ideas; especially during future negotiations. Then again, Clinton never represented the change that Obama once did; Change that seems farther and farther away. Obama can’t get a break no matter what he does. He could resurrect the remains of Richard Nixon, put them in a bong and try to smoke them and it wouldn’t matter. Republicans with their limited vision will still just see a black man. A black man that was only voted into office because they backed a retard for 8 years prior.

Who the fuck is Donald Douglas? And why is he criticizing, of all things, Elizabeth Edwards’ final words posted on Facebook? As most of you know, Liz Edwards lost her long battle with cancer this week, and characteristically left us with an eloquent final good-bye. Absent from her address was any mention of God or Jesus, to which “American Power” blogger Douglas responded: "Being anti-religion is cool, so Edwards' non-theological theology gets props from the neo-communists…Still, at her death bed and giving what most folks are calling a final goodbye, Elizabeth Edwards couldn't find it somewhere down deep to ask for His blessings as she prepares for the hereafter? I guess that nihilism I've been discussing reaches up higher into the hard-left precincts than I thought." Why is it that the only ones mixing religion and politics always seem to be on the right? Did it ever occur to this idiot that Edwards choosing not to acknowledge your imaginary friend had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with her personal beliefs? Beliefs which the Constitution you say you love entitles her to.


I’m sure the Yankees deserve all the criticism they get from the Boston Red Sox. In this day and age when so many championships are merely bought through the use of free agency then sold off once it’s won, how refreshing it is to finally see a team like the Red Sox, building its franchise up from scratch. I mean it’s not like they would attack the Yankees' spending habits then go out and spend $142 million on Carl Crawford or anything. Not to mention make a play for Mariano Rivera. I’m sure Jonathan Papelbon, who has saved so many games for them, feels really loved and wanted in Boston now. Just how do they expect to keep him happy for the rest of the year? This really makes me laugh. See, here’s what the Red Sox will never get over…Yankees don’t go to Boston, but Red Sox, career Red Sox, I might add, have been known to come to New York. And they come here to do what they couldn’t do in Boston for many decades…win. Do I have to list them, or have you perennial losers suffered enough? Wade Boggs, Roger Clemens, oh sorry, got carried away there for a minute…


Whenever you put a microphone in a ballplayer’s face to discuss something other than a curve ball or the fundamentals of hitting, you suffer what I like to call “the John Rocker effect.” Exactly what happened when Luke Scott of the Baltimore Orioles showed up at baseball’s winter meetings to talk about…hunting? Which naturally led to the second amendment, which led to the President. Scott said, and I quote, "[Obama] was not born here, that's my belief. I was born here. If someone accuses me of not being born here, I can go - within 10 minutes - to my filing cabinet and I can pick up my real birth certificate and I can go, 'See? Look! Here it is. Here it is.' The man has dodged everything. He dodges questions, he doesn't answer anything. And why? Because he's hiding something." Wow…brilliant conclusion. I guess Hawaii has yet to join the Union. How did this guy hit 27 homeruns last year without a brain? Don’t you need a brain to hit the ball? For hand-eye cordination at least?

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