I remember liking Barack Obama a lot more than I have been liking him lately. Let's start with declaring how safe the Gulf is before the clean up is totally finished really is insulting. Didn’t it take years before the Alaska coastline was totally clean after the Exxon Valdez spill? Hey Barack you wanna pretend to swim in that oil drenched mess to make a point, go ahead, but I would rather see you enforce whatever decisions hold BP responsible and make those who depend on those waters for their livelihood whole again…just like you said you would.
And then last week Obama decides to chime in on whether or not a Mosque should be placed a few blocks away from the World Trade Center site. Look, all of us understand that this is a local matter with serious political resonance, but it is still a local matter. We don’t need the President reminding us about the 1st Amendment, New Yorkers already know what it says. What he fails to realize is that this issue is not about religious freedom but respect for the wishes of the families of those who died on 9/11. Everyone defends the right to build the Mosque, that’s what advanced citizenship is all about. You can make an argument that a Catholic church would probably never be built in Afghanistan, but they are not the ones committed to religious freedom, we are. However, this is not about whether or not they could but whether or not they should.
Over the weekend the President wisely backpedaled from his stance, but the damage has been done. Let’s not buy that press statement bullshit that the president was merely addressing religious freedom, this was a clear statement of support; Support that he held back until today for the Zadronga bill calling for additional support for 9/11 workers. Look, like it or not, the majority of the population of this country is not that bright, and these missteps have now caused the White House to (and I can’t fucking believe I’m typing this) issue a statement saying that Obama is a Christian who prays daily. A move I guess they found necessary as a new poll by the Pew Research Center now finds that 18% of Americans believe that he is a Muslim.
The proponents of the Mosque also say that they are merely addressing a need in Lower Manhattan. Well Lower Manhattan is big enough for you to move your Mosque to a less controversial location, and 63% of the Population in New York City would like to see just that. Ultimately, this should not be a political issue, this is a local zoning issue, so let’s not let either side use it for political gain, and let's make sure that a balance is struck that involves the desires of the 9/11 families.
Roger Clemens…you have some ‘splaining to do. It might have taken a few years, but Clemens was finally indicted today for lying to Congress when he testified about steroid use in 2008. Now there is a saying in the legal profession that you "can indict a ham sandwich." True, but that sandwich must have done something to attract attention.
How can it not be naked picture taking bimbo turned moralist Dr. Laura Schlessinger? After using the “N-word” (and I don’t mean “naked”) during her call-in show while speaking to a black woman, no less, this moron has decided to call it quits. In typical insulting fashion, she tells the public that she has decided to quite her show to “Protect her 1st Amendment rights” I guess exercising them on a daily talk show does not support her right to speak at all, but what do I know, I’m just someone who is more educated that she is and has yet to develop the gall to call myself “Doctor.” So who is supporting this brilliant idea of defending the freedom to speak by no longer speaking? Why Sarah Palin of course! You gotta love these nitwits.
After all this city has been through this week, why do we let Burger King commit jihad against us by allowing them to serve their NY Pizza Burger, only here in New York at their so called “Whopper Bar?” This heart attack on a bun is a whopping 2,400 calories. Here's what it is: four quarter-pound Whopper patties topped with mozzarella cheese, marinara sauce, and a "pesto-flavored but nut-free 'Tuscan Herb Mayo,'" all on a 9.5-inch bun. Wow, looks like Dick Cheney was right…we are letting the terrorists win.
Milestones: 'Permanent Waves'
1 week ago
At first I thought this new mosque (or rather, a cultural center including a mosque) would not be a good idea on the grounds of sensitivity. That was before I found out there are currently 2 mosques within mere blocks of ground zero, one of which was opened in 1970 and actually predates the WTC. (The other has been around since 1985.) Now, I truthfully don't know. Is a new one more distressing than the two already there? Should we have those two moved from their current locations? And if not, is their presence going to make people uncomfortable now that many who were not aware of them--I, for one, was not--know they are in close proximity to ground zero?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I obviously understand the feelings involved and deeply respect that. But, if I'm not mistaken, there are strip clubs right across from ground zero. Yeah, not the same as a mosque in a million different ways but, if it's considered hallowed ground, there should be none of that nonsense.
More importantly, 3,000 people tragically died there, yet they're building a mall on the same soil which bears remains--no matter how miniscule--of those who perished. So much for hallowed ground...I'm just trying to find some consistency in this whole matter.
Given that there was a report in the news this morning that some local construction workers have said that they would refuse to work the site, I think it's safe to say that this more about passions than about reason. I don't care if there is a Satanic Church two blocks from ground zero, if this Mosque upsets those who lost people, then their concerns should be respected. It's not about what was there before, it's about what they want to do NOW. But I think a quote from CBSNews says it best:
ReplyDeleteJim Riches, a former New York Fire Department deputy chief whose son, Jimmy, was killed at the trade center, believes the dispute has nothing to do with religious freedom.
“We’re not telling them not to practice their religion. … It’s about location, location, location,” he said, asking why the mosque couldn’t be built farther away from the land that he still considers a cemetery. “It’s disrespectful. You wouldn’t put a Japanese cultural center at Pearl Harbor.”
How I really wish I had written that one!
When passion overtakes reason, the outcome is rarely a good one. So much of what is wrong with humanity lies in that approach.
ReplyDeleteI feel for the former fireman--and those like him--mentioned in your comment. I truly do. But I'd like to ask him how he feels about a mall being built in what he considers a cemetery. And in this analogy two Japanese cultural centers were already at Pearl Harbor.
Here's another imperfect analogy: if a Catholic church were to be built near a playground would the victims and families of child molestation by priests be accorded similar coverage?
I truly don't care if they build this thing or not--I have no dog in that hunt. I just want, as I said before, consistency and for people to own up to their position. Let's ask someone who believes ground zero is hallowed ground how they feel about a mall being built on that land and about the fact that 2 mosques are already around there. And if they say they don't care about those things, fine. But no one seems to be asking that question.
It's not about what was there before its about what they wanna build now and no one wants it
ReplyDeleteActually your analysis of his analogy is totally wrong. His objection is to BUILDING the cultural Center NOW. NOT to what was there before. And sorry but that Catholic Church thing is ridiculous. Priest didn't molest children in the name of Jesus, they did it because they were horny selfish pervs. Terrorists invoke the name of Allah in all their actions. Sure they are hijacking a religion that for the most part is peaceful, but that's not really the point.
ReplyDeleteQuestions about the groups who funded this, and the fact that proponents won't even consider a new location only adds more fuel to the fire.
The point I was trying to make w/the Catholic Church analogy is that to immediately assume that a new church will be a breeding ground for child-molesting priests is as wrong as branding a new mosque as a terrorist cell waiting to happen.
ReplyDeleteAnd once again, I'd like to know if someone who is opposed to the new mosque is aware of the previous ones in the area. (Or if they know there is one in the Pentagon.) And what about commercial property being built on hallowed ground. I don't hear those questions being asked and I want to get a clearer picture of where people are coming from. That's all.
No one is saying that Mosque will BREED anything, they just don't want it there.
ReplyDeleteAnd once again I doubt that whatever is there now is an issue for these people they believe building a NEW one sends a wrong message. This is one single issue who gives a shit what they are or are not "aware" of THIS is what is bothering them, and their concerns should be addressed and respected.
You know what? Reasonable people give a shit. That's who. People who want to respect and address the concerns of others but don't believe in acting on a whim. And it's NOT unreasonable to ask these questions, especially when there are obvious contradictions and inconsistencies. But that's too much to ask it seems, so whatever. I'm done.