Verizon Wireless. It only took these people a few years to totally eradicate two special places of my past. Anyone who went to St. John’s University knows that “the” bar was Gantry’s. A corner bar full of St. John’s sports memorabilia that was full of students even on Wednesday nights. Having done my undergrad work in the city, I had a bunch of restaurants and sushi places that I would frequent, but never an actual campus bar like most colleges in smaller college towns had. When I was in Law school I was the youngest student in my class, so I had never drank enough outside of my own family to have an actual bar that I was a regular in…until Gantry’s of course. I had my first cigar there. So many debates late into the night about who had the best slam dunk during a game in the history of the NBA. Could Muhammad Ali have beaten Mike Tyson? (Hell fucking yes) DiMaggio or Mantle? (DiMaggio of course, but Willie Mays was a better player than both of them) This was of course, all being played out in the early evening, as after 10 pm the undergrads turned it into Disney Party USA. But a good time was still managed to be had by all. After graduating, I have to admit that even I didn’t pass by the old place much. How could I? I was so busy with the life I had worked so hard for, the life I thought I really wanted. Besides, that place doesn’t need me, it gets a whole new class every year to hold its debates in one of those wooden booths. You can imagine my shock, horror and disappointment when driving up Utopia the other day I saw that corner bar replaced by a corner Verizon Wireless store. WTF??? How can you possibly erase a St. John’s institution with a Verizon Wireless store? The day of my last final…well you know what? I’m not ready to share that memory yet, but fuck, you gotta be kidding me. How worse can this get? How many generations of St. John’s students will never have seen that place? Well this is as bad as it’s going to get. Usually when you say that, something worse tends to happen…
When you are a child, one of the first ways you learn to find your way home is through landmarks. My first babysitter lived on a street just across a high traffic boulevard. On the corner of my street, that boulevard had a candy store with an old round Coca-Cola sign on top of the door; the type of sign that you probably would only be able to find in a junkyard now; a candy store that let you look at video game magazines, and always had plenty those Swedish fish candies in stock. In all my years of traveling and being away from home for extended periods of time (In the Army, not prison) I could always count on that old landmark leading me home. You can imagine my shock, horror and disappointment when driving to a turn on that very boulevard I saw that corner candy store replaced by a corner Verizon Wireless store. Ok is this personal? Why is this place and its corporate vultures sucking the life out of places that mean so much to the neighborhoods they are in? Have they run out of streets in Manhattan to dominate? This fungus is spreading faster than Starbucks.
Seriously, fuck these people and their greed and…Oh wait, I have to stop writing, Verizon just sent me an email giving me 3 free phones because I have been a valued customer for over a decade…sorry, gotta go!
How the NFL lists its Super Bowl champions one year behind. Explain that logic to me. How is it that the Pittsburg Steelers are the 2008 Super Bowl Champions when that game was played in February of 2009? Why confuse people? And worse, why ruin the symmetry of how I rate my years in sports? Let me explain that. See, 1996 was a great year for me for so many reasons. One of them being that two of my favorite teams won championships that year. The Yankees won the World Series and the Dallas Cowboys won the Super Bowl. So why the hell are the Cowboys considered champions of 1995? They didn’t win the Super Bowl in that year! Get it? Why must they destroy the memory of my year with such poisonous inaccuracy? The NBA gets it right, they add both years in which the season was played to their championship banners. For example, the LA Lakers are the 2008-2009 season champions, but when asked when they won the title, they don’t say 2008 they say 2009.
The Yankees. In the afore mentioned year of 1996, the Yankees, the greatest sports franchise in the history of the world, did lose the first two games at home and did come back to win that World Series in six games ( I know cuz I was there). This year, the bats were asleep in game one. Game two came down to good pitching once again, odd for the 1st and 2nd place offensive teams in baseball this year. The Yankee bats need to wake up in a hurry. Speaking of game two, that was one sick performance by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys.
My Generation. When a group of adults in their late 20’s/ early 30’s are watching Youtube videos of handicapped people falling, drunks taking 10 minutes to get off a convenience store floor while trying to open a refrigerator, Redneck morons dipping tobacco while shouting racial slurs in an indoor lawn chair, Indians electrocuted to death by a train wire, and PSAs where a house blows up because it was a meth lab, it really is time to re-examine this generation’s priorities.
Milestones: 'Permanent Waves'
1 week ago