Monday, August 12, 2024

Some Olympic Thoughts

 Some Olympic Thoughts

For those offended by the Opening Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics, I already addressed how stupid you are on facebook, no need to embarrass you again here.

Who would have thought that in 2024, the most wholesome images of the Olympics would include Snoop Dogg and Flava Flav (who, in case you do not know, helped finance the US Women’s Water Polo team). How could anyone possible have guessed that Snoop showing up to events and commentating on them, even the ones he knew absolutely nothing about, would be exactly what the Olympics needed? And you know he must have lit a spliff with that Olympic torch cuz, come on, he’s still Snoop.

So, Suni Lee is my girlfriend, she just doesn’t know it yet.

The US Women’s Gymnastics Team was pretty much the story of week 1, and they should be. Nicknamed “The Golden Girls” due to their average age of 22.1 years being kinda old for the Olympics (can you imagine that?), they none the less dominated the games and walked away with the team gold, and 7 more medals combined. Way to go for a bunch of senior citizens. 

Simone Biles will now go down in history as one of the greatest Olympians in the world. And deservedly so. If you don’t know her records, look them up (talking to you JD Vance). Seriously anyone thinking that it is “weak” to take care of your mental health is the one who most needs help. To say that about an Olympic athlete representing your country is just such a douchebag move and typical of an incel who hates successful women because they rejected him in high school. 

Rebeca Andrade of Brazil is the future of women’s gymnastics. This is such a cool picture I really hope Jordan Chiles wins her appeal, I don’t want her to lose her medal because someone made a 4 second mistake correcting the bigger mistake made by a judge.

Then there was boxer Imane Khelif of Algeria, who had her gender questioned because she was beating her opponent so bad that she quit in the ring. OK so let’s keep this simple, if you were born with a vagina, do you know what that makes you? Yeah, a female. Not gonna get into a debate about it here, sorry. The problem stems from a test administered by the International Boxing Association that found anomalies in first her chromosomes (OK and how exactly did they test that?) then in high levels of testosterone (OK that could be due to steroids, not a penis). It should be noted that the IBA has been banned by the Olympics since 2019. This unintentionally sparked a debate amongst the ill-informed about LGBTQ+ rights and gender identity. Something that wasn’t even a controversy here. And let’s not forget that Ms. Khelif has lost 9 fights in her career, and she represents Algeria, a predominantly Muslim country that does not recognize LGBTQ+ rights, and would have stoned her in public before letting her compete as anything but a woman. She won the gold btw…

On to week 2

How awesome was it for The Dominican Republic to finally win a gold? With the most Dominican name in the history of Dominican names, Marileidy Paulino, won the 400m.

I love the Olympics. It is one of the few times that you can see other people root for their country and you smile because you know the story behind the athlete. However, why the fuck is rock climbing an Olympic sport?

Track and Field was, once again, dominated by the US, particularly the women’s side. Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, Sha’Carri Richardson, and Gabby Thomas, along with the men’s team, totally represented, winning 34 medals. Gabby Thomas not only won 3 gold medals, but she is the finest example of what America has to offer. She also went to Harvard and has a master's degree in epidemiology. I’m sure the Trump/Vance ticket sees her as a DEI hire…

For someone who was born and raised in New York City, I was actually ok with breakdancing as a competition, even though I do not know if it will last. Both Gold medal winners deserved it, but could still benefit from watching the battle scene at the Roxy in “Beat Street.” Being a new sport however, did provide for some growing pains, and while I don't wanna pile up on the hate, “b-girl Raygun” from Australia really should have though it out more. I know she was the best qualifier in the region, but that performance was the whitest thing I’ve seen since raisins in potato salad…

Basketball’s results were predictable enough, but I must say the games did provide for some tense moments. People are saying that Steph Curry’s performance was worthy of an MVP. I just think he was the “designated non-partyer” the night before all those games that he excelled in (thanx HM).

Then there was the Closing ceremony which was uncharacteristically pretty cool. H.E.R. and Phoenix performed in Paris, while Snoop (who I guess got home on the space shuttle) Dre and The Red Hot Chili Peppers performed in LA. And then of course there was Tom Cruise. Who completed the handover of the Olympic flag by doing Tom Cruise-ish, Tom Cruise stuff. Seriously how is that dude still alive?

See you in LA.



Friday, May 31, 2024

So What Does It Really Mean? Not Much Just Yet


To say that Donald Trump is an unhinged sociopathic narcissist is nothing new, but what should concern us all is that even after a felony conviction, his bootlickers will not denounce him. That is because his fascist cult controls the GOP, and they are so hungry for power that they are willing to continue to support this unfit criminal even when they know how badly he can damage the country. And ultimately whose fault is this? The Democratic Party. In 2000 the clear winner of the popular vote in the presidential election, Al Gore, conceded the election to that idiot George W Bush, not because he felt he lost, but because he did not want to plunge the nation into a Constitutional crisis. This is where a light bulb went off in the GOP. They realized that if they just whine and cry hard enough, gentleman politicians who care more about the nation than their own thirst for power, will just concede. Donald Trump’s accent to power is the result of that. If this does not change, it will put the worst President in U.S. history back in power in 2024.

Donald Trump’s political career should have ended at “grab them by the pussy” in 2016, but it did not. Why? Because no one with any real political power called him out on this. Because not enough women in his own party stood up to this sexual batterer, and he became president.

Now I have tried for years to analyze how that the same nation that elected a Nobel Prize winning Constitutional scholar also elected an 84 times indicted, twice impeached, lying, ignorant, racist, fascist, misogynistic, xenophobic, unqualified, pussy grabbing, 5 time draft dodging coward, useful idiot Russian asset, convicted felon, sexual batterer, and criminal traitor with American blood on his tiny, incompetent hands, without a doubt and by far, the worst President in the history of the United States? The simple answer crystalized itself in an instant: In a country where a large portion of the population is lazy and uneducated, it is far easier to just vote for the guy who hates what you hate, and fears what you fear. This conclusion should have come to me much earlier, given the fact that this is nothing new, and history has a tendency to repeat itself (think Germany in 1933).   

So I waited until Trump’s response to his conviction in order to comment on the case, and his response was classic Trump: blaming everyone else, taking no accountability for his crimes, saying the system is rigged, blaming the judge (who was quite reserved, if you know anything about courtroom procedure) and just being the whiny bitch lying coward that he is. He then proceeded to call the United States, a “fascist” country, and that’s when I started paying attention. This was an odd statement coming from an idiot that does not even know what that word means, and stated that if re-elected, he would become a dictator on day one. Not one, NOT ONE prominent GOPer denounced this statement. Not one. This tells you all you need to know about what they stand for.

They seem to have no problem defending him however. On CNN today, JD Vance (R-Ohio) ass-kissing for a potential Vice Presidential nod on the Trump ticket, refused to address Trump’s statements and instead call out Judge Juan Merchan because he donated $15 to the Democratic party in 2020. This is not any proof whatsoever that the judge acted partially. If you look at the facts, it was quite the opposite.  If that were the case, then no judge should be allowed to vote? In fact, if you observed the judge’s reactions to Trump’s antics, he was actually more than fair. What a shithead. See? This is why I cannot do Wolf Blitzer’s job. If my parents were Holocaust survivors, and this asshole is on my show not denouncing Trump’s “fascist country” comments, I would have reacted a bit differently. I am also wondering if Vance is calling for Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito to recuse themselves from any case involving Trump, considering their well-documented biases? I guess “law and order” only applies when it agrees with you politically?  

As for the conviction itself, it should have immediately disqualified him from going anywhere near the White House, but it has not. Ironic that as per the rules, he couldn’t serve on his own staff with a felony conviction. Ultimately what did this conviction do? Nothing. Those who support him still do, and choose to blame the system and not the criminal.

Looking ahead, there are considerably more serious crimes that he is charged with, such as election tampering and voter fraud, not to mention the illegal storing of classified documents. This seems not to bother his cult at all, but it should deeply concern the rest of us. The documents case in Florida is being stalled by a Trump appointee judge, and the rest of the cases are being delayed by Trump’s attorneys. This man is a clear existential threat to democracy, and his cult doesn’t care, I just hope enough of the rest of us do. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

The JB Random Report End of the Year Awards 2023

 Well kids, it’s that time of year again…


What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Really. That’s it. The world is literally at war everywhere. Whether its everyday wars in nations that mainstream media doesn’t care about, tensions in the South China Sea, Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, or Israel pretty much decimating the Gaza Strip, the World is becoming a dangerous place rather quickly.

What is so compelling about both these latter conflicts, is that they are so deep-rooted it doesn’t look there will be a peaceful ending in sight any time soon. Putin is a megalomaniacal dictator with no one close to him willing to tell him the truth, which if historically symmetrical, will end with him in a bunker shooting himself and his girlfriend, as Allied troops close in.

Israel however, presents a much more complicated problem. The Western states have stood by Israel for decades, and rightfully so. After World War II the creation of a Jewish state was necessary. To say that anyone else “was there first” is actually misleading, given the fact that the Dome of the Rock is built on the Temple Mount (look it up, I’m exhausted). However, just because you may agree with Israel’s right to exist, and to defend itself, that does not mean you have to just blindly agree with how they are defending themselves. And that is where I have a problem.

The images coming from Gaza of dead children are disturbing to say the least, and if it is terrorism you are fighting, then hearts and minds must be won (a lesson that the United States failed to learn in Iraq and Afghanistan), and you do not win them by killing children or attacking hospitals. Yes Hamas has illegally used hospitals as headquarters, but these people are terrorists, they will not follow the rules of war or the Geneva Convention. Israel is a recognized state, and they are not behaving like one. And what is worse, from a tactical standpoint, Israel has one of the best Special Forces units in the world, and should have used them in operations to mitigate civilian casualties. Yes that is a risk, but that is the obligation of a civilized nation, and Israel is failing in that regard. So much so, that they have garnered sympathy for a terrorist organization like Hamas, here in the US, and that can be very dangerous.

Remember Americans love to have something to scream about, even if they have no idea what the fuck it is. Just last week there was a march on 5th Avenue, right in front of the Christmas season tourists, that began as a pro-peace demonstration, and ended up being peppered with signs of “Fuck Israel” and sympathy towards the government of Gaza, which is run by Hamas. So Israel’s actions have gotten the ignorant woke mob to support a terrorist organization. Please do better.

QUOTE OF THE YEAR“Deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life.”

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, dissenting opinion on Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, June 29, 2023.

If there is one quote that perfectly summarizes what we are going through as a nation right now, it is this one. My God we were so close. To go back so far so fast, is something I never thought I would see happen to a country I love so much. Who would have thought that in only 5 short years, we would once again be a nation that unfairly levels the playing field in academia, and would deny a woman the right to choose what to do with her own body? Still think your vote doesn’t matter? How is that fashionable indifference and neutrality working for you now? If you do not know the importance of this particular Supreme Court decision, I don’t have the time or the energy, so look it up. If you are a person of color and still don’t know what it is, shame on you.   

TV SHOW OF THE YEAR – “Only Murders in the Building”

I would have thought that by now the same premise would not be entertaining anymore, but these people just seem to find a way to make this show so enjoyable every time. This year saw the participation of Paul Rudd and the great Meryl Streep. I think eventually they are gonna run out of people to kill, but this is a fun show to watch.


I cannot be the only one who remembers how admired this man once was. How he held New York City together after 9/11. How he brought down the Mafia as a prosecutor in the 1980’s. Never has the expression “how the mighty have fallen” ever been better personified.

What is worse, is that I will never understand the “why” of it all. Why would such a seemingly intelligent man hitch his wagon so firmly behind a criminal traitor and blissful incompetent like Donald Trump (runner up for this award this year, btw)? Not only that, but even after he declared his loyalty to his Fuhrer, he had so many chances to bow out, but instead doubled down and is now facing disbarment, bankruptcy, losing court verdicts, and possibly even jail time. I usually have no problem laughing at people like this, but this time I actually feel a little bad for this guy. OK…whew! That passed…yeah he is still an asshole…

PERSON OF THE YEARJerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve

If there is one thing I HATE is agreeing with any other publication but my own, and I hate it even more when another publication beats me to the punch. So glad to say that, TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year, is Taylor Swift and mine…is not. No hate, but it’s just not.

I know many of you have probably never heard of him, but let me tell you why Jerome Powell, who has been Chairman of the Federal Reserve since February 2018, has won this award: For some inexplicable, non fact based reason, inflation is something that President Joe Biden’s critics have been blaming him for, even though Biden doesn’t regulate prices. If he did, the GOP would cry too much regulation, the same way they criticized him last year for, and I’m serious, gas prices being too low, after they were at first too high. Powell, unconcerned with politics, has played a key role managing high inflation in the U.S. One his subtle strategies was the concept of something called a“soft landing.” This, in theory, reduces inflation by raising interest rates without causing a recession. If you have ever taken economics, you know this is no easy task. At the beginning of the year, Republicans were animatedly reminding the country how high and out of control inflation was, not hearing much about that now are we? Well you can thank Mr. Powell and his policy for that. The purchasing power of the United States and the World economies that depend on it are also grateful I’m sure

BIGOTED ASSHOLE OF THE YEAR - Vivek Ramaswamy, Politician GOP Presidential Candidate

OK so this asshole is at such a high level of asshole-ishness, that sometimes I think he is some sort of parody or a CIA plant. Seriously have you ever seen such a level of unaware self-loathing on someone who isn’t pathologically insane? The fact that he doesn’t realize that he is merely a Desi Uncle Tom that the GOP just likes to watch dance and will never take him or his candidacy seriously is enough to make this guy a sad clown. Then, instead of acknowledging his diversity he actually doubles down on GOP hate by saying that even children of immigrants born in the US should not be here, seemingly blissfully unaware that he wouldn’t be here if that were the case. Maybe he is a vampire and cannot see his own brown ass in a mirror. 


OK I know this is short for “charisma” for you young folks, but maybe think this through a little more. Change one letter and this takes on a whole different meaning.

MOVIE OF THE YEAR – “Asteroid City”

Look everyone knows that I am a huge fan of Wes Anderson, and that even his lesser-received films are classics to me. I was hyped just to see Tom Hanks delivering dead pan lines a la Anderson, and I have to say I wasn’t disappointed. And yeah, a well-placed Scarlett Johansson nude scene certainly doesn’t hurt either. 

ALBUM OF THE YEAR – “Hackney Diamonds” – The Rolling Stones.

Ok hear me out: So Paul McCartney plays bass on a song on this album. Ringo is still alive and doesn’t seem to be busy right now. Bill Wyman is retired and Charlie Watts is dead…see where I’m going with this? I even have a great name for this supergroup that incorporates both their bands. How about The Rolling Bones? Get it? They’re old! Ok, don’t unfriend me…

When I thought about this particular entry, I really had to ask myself whether or not I was being objective. See, this is my all-time favorite band, and I didn’t want to give them this award unless this album really was the best music I had heard all year. A year that had some pretty good stuff come out. Truth is, I didn’t wanna give them this award, but the record is just too good. I was also thinking maybe next year I’ll make this section a “Top 3” or something, because Bully, Depeche Mode, Foo Fighters, and The National all made really memorable albums this year.


They are already talking about “But Here We Are” for Rock album of the year. I personally have a different choice, but this record is still awesome. I, as all other music heads are aware, realize that Rock music has gone the way of great jazz music: only appreciated now by a learned few, but I am still surprised that this record didn’t make more of an impact this year. Yes I know that “Rescued” seems to be the song that is getting its proverbial ass kissed on social media, but this one is my favorite. It just sounds so much like the band I always knew, and that is very comforting in an age of such shitty Pop music. Honorable mention goes to “Somewhere” by Johnny Marr.

COOLEST SONG OF THE YEAR – “103” – The Kills.

I knew very little about this band until this song seemed to just hypnotize me. Oh and honorable mention goes to “Mourning Dove” by Screaming Females, and “Tropic Morning News” by The National.


Other bands had a great year as afore mentioned, but this band released not one, but two albums in this calendar year, and they were both really good. Being called “Dad Rock” if Dad is the only one with a functioning, articulate brain is not ageism I guess. 

BOOK OF THE YEAR  - “Tuesdays With Morrie” – Mitch Albom

I always admit that for someone with a library at home, I really do not read many newly released titles. This year was no exception. I read nothing published this year, sorry.

However, on my way out the door on my way to the airport, I decided to take “Tuesdays With Morrie,“ a book first published in 1997, off my shelf because it was an easy to carry paperback and I had never gotten around to reading it. How pleasantly surprised I was.


Watching any franchise win their first ever championship is a cool thing, even if you are not a fan of the team. The Nuggets have had many good teams throughout the years. I remember the high scoring teams of Alex English in the 1980’s, and the athletic team lead by Dikembe Mutombo, Robert Pack and Mahmoud Abdul Rauf that upset the #1 seed Seattle Supersonics in the 1994 playoffs. This incarnation is not nearly as flashy, but they can certainly play. Led by Nikola Jokic this team just makes it look easy, and they do it quietly. They dominated the whole season with little fanfare, on their way to the franchise’s first ever championship.

ATHLETE OF THE YEAR – Naoya Inoue, Boxing

When was the last time Japan gave us a legit champion caliber boxer? This guy is rewriting history either way, and I already wanna give him that whole “pound for pound” thing.

So in 2022 he becomes the champ at 118 pounds, and decides why not jump to 122, just for the fun of it, right? Well why just do that when you can fight Stephen Fulton, the champion at 122, in less than a year? So what does Inoue do? Hands him an 8 round beating and relieves him of his belts. And why settle for that when you can just, in your next fight, unify the belts by beating Marlon Tapales? So yeah he did that too. Other than that, did anyone else notice this guy? Don’t worry, you will this year.

DEAD PERSON OF THE YEARI always start this entry reflecting on not just one person, because a loss is only measured by how much the person who is gone has meant to society, or to our own lives, and that can mean so many people to so many people, know what I mean? This year, I really can’t come up with just one person that has meant a monumental loss to society. 

Tina Turner was a significant loss to music. Norman Lear pretty much changed how the entire world watches television. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor made history as the first woman ever to be appointed to the Supreme Court, and Rosalynn Carter made the world a better place alongside her husband, President Jimmy Carter, in the second act of his life as an activist and statesman, who even at his advanced age, was still seen working on construction sites of housing for the homeless. Keep them all in your heart should you chose to do so…

Here’s hoping the New Year brings you everything you want!

Saturday, December 31, 2022

The JB Random Report End of the Year Awards 2022

Well kids, it’s that time of year again, so let’s do some reflecting, shall we?


Everything is more expensive, isn’t it? Yea, and it’s happening slowly enough for you not to notice. Look, let me make a suggestion to you: Never stop going to the market to get your own groceries. It is the only way to remain in touch with what is going on in the world, let me tell you why. There are two places where inflation is felt almost immediately, and that is the supermarket and the gas station. You can listen to all these so-called financial gurus all you want, but the best way to really monitor the pulse of this or any nation’s economy is at the two places aforementioned. Right now, prices at both are incredibly high and you should be demanding more answers considering that jobs are available and corporate gains are at record highs.  

Yes I am taking a bit of an over-simplified approach to this issue, but that is only because the common working individual is doing the same thing, and it is their perception that ultimately matters.   

PERSON OF THE YEAR – President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine

I really fucking hate it when I agree with Time magazine, not because they are not to be agreed with, but because it seems almost unoriginal and uninspired. But I cannot deny it, yet again, that they go this one right.

This man has shown incredible resilience and courage staying in his worn torn country to fight off Russian aggression. For a guy who started off as a TV comedian, he is now standing very much on the front lines of this war. A war where he is heavily outnumbered and outgunned. Yet a war that his country seems to be winning. It was inspiring to see him speak to Congress here in the US a few weeks ago.

Zelenskyy also gave us the quote of the year, by the way (see below).

QUOTE OF THE YEAR - President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine

When asked by representatives of the United States government if he would like to be evacuated from his war torn country, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy replied, “The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride” If this guy survives this war, he is gonna be president a long time.

TV SHOW OF THE YEAR “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” – Netflix

The premise of this show is very plausible, and contrary to the show’s critics, I do not think that the topic of mental illness was handled irresponsibly. When you decide to deal with such a controversial theme, you will undoubtedly have critics. That aside, what can I say…18 episodes and I cried at least once in every one of them. Guess I’m just a tender hearted person. Right?


People often tell me, “Jes, why continue to pick on Trump? He is done.” Well is he really? Yes it is true that even his cowardly enablers and ass-kissers in Congress like Mitch McConnell have said that he “no longer has the political clout he once did.” That is no reason to think that someone as pathologically narcissistic as Trump would believe that he is done. I mean, in case you missed it, he did announce that he was running for President again in 2024.

On Friday six years of Trump tax returns were finally released to the public, and I must say they raise considerably more questions than answers. This is probably why Trump had fought so hard to keep them from the public. Why did he still have foreign bank accounts as president? Why did he pay no taxes in 2020, the last year of his presidency?

This asshole is the subject of at least four major investigations into wrongdoing relating to his handling of White House documents, the election, the insurrection, and his finances. The most significant cases being in Florida; Fulton County, Georgia; Washington, DC; and New York.

Trump's business was also convicted in state court in Manhattan for a payroll tax-dodge scheme, earning the company felony status and a likely $1.6 million fine.

Then there is a civil lawsuit state Attorney General Letitia James filed Wednesday against Donald Trump, his businesses and several of his children over alleged fraud. And that’s just this week!

Prior to this most recent lawsuit, Trump has been involved in 22 criminal and civil legal investigations, 19 of which are currently ongoing. I wanted to give you a few sentences on each one so that my readers could have a better understanding of them, but it’s just too fucking exhausting, Google that shit. That’s what search engines are for…

VIRAL CLIP OF THE YEARThe Wednesday Addams Dance Scene – “Wednesday” Netflix

I really debated whether or not this should even be a category, but how can you not love this clip? I know it’s kinda bandwagon jumping, but the fact that it brought a great underrated band like The Cramps back on the pop culture radar is a bit similar to Kate Bush’s much deserved resurrection because of “Stranger Things.”

So go ahead Jenna Ortega/Wednesday Adams, the moment may only last 15 minutes according to Warhol, but it is most certainly yours…

BOOK OF THE YEAR – “Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story“ - Bono

Just cuz it was the only new book I read this year, doesn’t mean it wasn’t entertaining. If you are a songwriter, you have to be very careful not to think you are a novelist. It is, a totally different discipline. You are more of a poet. However, Bono does manage to pull it off.

First of all, he is a great storyteller, so that helps. Not everyone’s life is interesting, so if you are going to write something autobiographical, you can epically fail if you do not know when and how to embellish, and when and how to be poetic. I have to say this book did keep me reading it, so I guess that really is all that matters isn’t it?

MOVIE OF THE YEAR “Everything Everywhere All at Once”

Ok so I had no idea that this movie even existed, much less had come out this year. I was on a 14 hour flight from JFK to Tokyo when I figured that I might as well watch a movie. The idea of Multiverses (more than one Universe existing at the same time. Longer conversation required) has always been fascinating to me.

This film is not a documentary however, it is a work of fiction that tells a story within that idea. I found every bit of this film fascinating, even if some of it takes a while to understand.  


If there are two people that I have always thought had great chemistry it was Brendon Gleeson and Colin Ferrell. “In Bruges” was the first movie they were together in, and I found that so enjoyable I gave it to some friends as Christmas gifts. This film is a bit darker, but equally enjoyable due to the way these two actors seem to have a great time interacting with each other.

Now I must warn you, this movie is not “In Bruges.” It is in fact, considerably darker and more twisted, but equally entertaining.

DOCUMENTARY OF THE YEAR“The Tinder Swindler.” - Netflix

There are SO many documentaries, on pretty much anything, on SO many streaming services, that you are not gonna watch every one of them. I know I can’t, so I can only choose from those which I did watch.

This particular movie was fascinating, and no, I have no sympathy for either side. For the women who were conned by this guy, let’s be honest, if the dude drove a bus, you wouldn’t have given him the time of day to even let him smell your used panties. You paid attention to him because he was rich, not because he was a person of substance. That is on you, not him. Do I believe that all of the women in this film were gold-diggers? Of course not, but maybe value something more than money or appearances and you will make better choices in the future. In the long run, girls who marry old men for money are never truly happy, and convincing themselves that they are can be very exhausting emotionally.

As for Mr. Shimon Hayut, he did indeed prey on some women’s love for money and status, and he certainly cannot be blamed for what some women are attracted to, but he did break the law, and he deserved A LOT more prison time. In the end, there are no real victims or martyrs here, just a bunch of self-entitled brats that got what they deserved. Still an incredibly gripping watch however.

ALBUM OF THE YEAR – “I Don’t Live Here Anymore (Deluxe Edition)” – The War On Drugs

I know it was a tie last year because truthfully I just really loved both those albums. I have to say that this year was equally difficult to choose, which I must admit was refreshing given the rants I go on about how shitty music is today. I love having to admit that there are some pretty good bands making some pretty good music lately, you just don’t hear them unless you listen to college radio.

The first incarnation of this record was pretty good, but the deluxe version added some songs that I couldn’t believe didn’t make the first cut. Look, unless you are a truly great established band, don’t make a double album. You are not The Rolling Stones (Exile on Main Street) The Beatles (The Beatles) or Led Zeppelin (Physical Graffiti) no one gives a shit about your overblown sense of self-importance (Looking at YOU Beach House, although Once Twice Melody was a pretty good album in some places). But there are some instances where what is on the cutting room floor isn’t so bad.

COOLEST SONG BY A MAJOR ACT THAT WASN’T A BIG HIT – “Here To Forever” – Death Cab For Cutie

God how I have always hated that fucking name. But this is a nice song.

COOLEST SONG OF THE YEAR – “I Like You (A Happier Song)” Post Malone, Doja Cat

Don’t let the name fool you, this is definitely NSFW. I cannot say I am a major fan of either of these two, but this song is catchy. You know, I think mainstream radio would have responded even more with a decent clean version of this song. I do not know why acts today insist on making people censor them. It’s not necessarily novel anymore, so why still do it?

COOLEST SONG OF THE YEAR BY A BAND YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF“the angel of 8th avenue” – Gang of Youths

Look, the lack of capital letters in the title is not my doing, that’s how the song is listed. So hipster bullshit attempt to be cool aside, this song is really cool. It is one of those New York City rock songs, from a band, oddly enough, that isn’t even from New York. 


You thought it was gonna be Japanese Breakfast, didn’t you? Yeah I liked that album too, it was great, but nah…gonna go with Soccer Mommy because I’m not a bandwagon jumper and these guys were cool. A great album is one that you can listen to without skipping a song. “Sometimes, Forever” did that for me this year. Is it the next “In Utero?” No, but what the fuck is?

SPORTS TEAM OF THE YEARThe National Football Team of Argentina

If you know me, you know the Soccer team I root for, and have rooted for since I was a child, and that is the national team of Argentina. I guess it started growing up in a neighborhood full of Latinos and the only team making any sort of international dent was Argentina.

For Lionel Messi, arguably the nation’s greatest player, it was sweet vindication as he had obtained every conceivable award as a player, but until now, a World Cup Championship had long eluded him. Then there is Andres Cantor, World Cup announcer who was born in Buenos Aires, whose sheer joy reminded us that we are all human.

But of all this joy, there is still one thing I can’t get out of my mind: Can you imagine if Diego Armando Maradona were alive to have seen this happen? The memes, the stories, the comments would have been phenomenal.

ATHLETE OF THE YEAR – Aaron Judge, New York Yankees MLB

I don’t if he is this year’s greatest athlete, or the athlete who had the greatest year. But in just 12 short months, this guy went from having a mildly good season last year where he did have some injuries, to this year, which was one for the ages.

Let’s go the field first shall we? Judge’s quest to break the American League single season homerun held by Yankee legend Roger Maris since 1961 was a wonder to behold. I was at the game where he hit his 60th in a comeback win and I had never seen the new stadium break out into such ear-splitting cheers in my life. I will at least not at this time, participate in the argument that Judge is the legitimate single season homerun record holder due to the accusations leveled on the actual leader of steroid use. I will just say that living in New York City has great stories every year, and this was one of them.

It was the 62 homeruns, combining with a .311 batting average and a league leading 135 RBIs that had Judge flirting with the triple crown all year, and ultimately lead him to becoming the 14th Yankee to win the American League MVP. He also led all of MLB in not just homers and RBI, but in runs scored, total bases, and slugging. A year like that and it is easy to see why he is the first Yankee to do it since Alex Rodriguez in 2007.

So how tense do you think those winter meetings were, huh? I have to admit I really was totally convinced that Judge would always re-sign with the Yankees until I heard the other teams offers. But the ownership not only gave him 9 years at $360 million, which in baseball terms is actually a fair deal, but they also named him captain of the team, the first since Derek Jeter. Quite the ride.

OVERRATED ATHLETE OF THE YEAR – Christiano Ronaldo - Soccer (Football)

You know, it has always been easy to hate on this guy, and I always thought that it was a bit undeserved.

It’s not his fault that he is both talented at his profession while being incredibly good looking. I mean, I can certainly relate…

This year however, was a considerable cliff for this guy. His former club team, the legendary Manchester United, didn’t play him much at the end of the season. To add insult to injury, he was also benched playing for Portugal in the World Cup. Once again, not totally his doing. But what bothered me about this guy is where he signed to play this year.

After such a forgettable year by one of soccer’s greatest players, you’d think his next contract would give him a reported $75 million a year, but guess what? It did. Saudi Arabian club Al-Nassr decided to give him that even after watching the controversial manner in which he left Manchester United. Guess when you have a name that big, it doesn’t matter how well you played the year before. Given the level of competition in the desert, I think he may well get some numbers, but this is a show biz move, not an on the field move.

Can I also mention that last year’s winner of this award is actually thriving coming off the bench for The Los Angeles Lakers?

BELOVED ATHLETE WHO REALLY SHOULD RETIRE – Tom Brady, Quarterback, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, NFL.

Think I’m gonna go with Tom Brady, even though I wouldn’t call him “beloved.” Look, the fact that this guy has been not only playing, but thriving as an NFL quarterback well after age 40, makes him one of the greatest ever, not to mention that he has a multi-million dollar TV contract waiting for him after he hangs it up, so why keep doing this?

Look at what it has cost him. Yes his team is in 1st place in their division, but they are also below .500 and struggling against good teams. He is losing his cool at his teammates very publically and that has never been his style. Not to mention the toll his decision to come out of retirement has taken on his personal life. Something that also, until now, had been quite private.

Look, I may never have been a fan, but he has given enough to this game, time to enjoy the rest of your life.

BIGOTED ASSHOLE(S) OF THE YEARWell, it Ain’t Just One, and They are NOT From Jackson Heights

You know what is odd? As I was writing this, I couldn’t come up with just one person that has personified bigotry this year. What I kept thinking about was how bigotry as a whole is just dramatically on the rise in the United States and the question that keeps popping up is when did we all become such pussies? Why and when exactly did we become so afraid of people?

Seriously I thought that as a whole, this country had progressed to a point where attacks against immigrants and the LGBTQ community would not be this bad, but they are. And this is an example I may hate to use, but I have to be objective.

One of the most diverse communities in the world is a place I have been more than happy to call my home since I was a child. I was here when it was not so great, and I had to walk over passed out heroin addicts in the subway, and I am here now, having survived gentrification but watching my neighborhood improve to the level of a place where me and my friends always promised each other that we would move our parents to one day.

In Jackson Heights we have always been tolerant. Even when the neighborhood was at its roughest, we were never bigots. Which is why I can say with certainty that NONE of the cowards who called themselves “Protestors,” harassing members of the LGBTQ community who just wanted to read to kids, were recognized by a lifelong resident of this neighborhood. I still cannot believe that bigots were protesting in front of my library, against a group of people that had done nothing to them. I can assure you that those few assholes do not represent who we are as a community. Oh, and next time, if you wanna give a Nazi salute in my neighborhood, do it without the mask so we can recognize you. Let’s see how far you get then.      
DEAD PERSON OF THE YEAR – Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

We lost some greats this year, as we do every year, Jerry Lee Lewis, Barbara Walters, Mikhail Gorbachev, Vin Scully, Bill Russell, Pele (an all-time great human, not just athlete) and Pope Benedict XVI (maybe not great, but certainly significant).

But I think I am gonna go with Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Look, I’m not gonna get into a debate about the British Royal family, or monarchies in general, but what you cannot deny is how incredibly significant this woman’s life was. She managed the slow decline of the British Empire with a rare dignity. She kept up a fierce schedule well into her 90’s and did her absolute best to represent her country in the best way possible. That is not deniable. She handled controversy with distance and clarity, rarely showing emotion, and this was not always admired by all. Keep calm and carry on was written for her.

Here’s hoping the New Year brings you everything you want!